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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Internet Faxing is "green" faxing

There is a lot of talk these days, about "going green".

"Going green" means to try to make more environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible decisions, which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. The goal is to be less of a burden on the environment and our local communities. "Going green" means doing things that are good for our environment or that can help make it better. And with energy costs on a steep curve upward, it helps to reduce costs too. One way that you can do this is by using internet faxes.

According to Energy Star, copiers and fax machines are the most energy-intensive types of business equipment. They are paper-intensive and are left on 24 hours a day. In terms of energy used, paper production is second only to petroleum, so using less paper not only saves on trees, but also on energy.

Internet faxing uses email and the internet, so if uses far less paper. Technically, it uses no paper at all, unless you need a hard copy of the fax.
Internet faxing uses far less energy. For a fax you need to keep your fax machine on. You don't have to have your computer on to receive an email.
Internet faxing also saves on waste. You never have to throw away old, worn out broken fax machines or empty ink cartridges.

These reasons make Internet fax a great choice for those conscious of needlessly wasting valuable resources in their business routines.

Check out an online fax service today and “Go Green!”

1 comment:

  1. I use internet fax service every day to sort and print all of the important faxes that come to me, as well as keeping copies of the faxes on my computer instead of having to file them as paperwork. I can also delete the junk faxes before they print and waste paper, ink and time.I am also able to get faxes on the road, and because I travel often I'm not missing out on the important faxes that come through, they follow me wherever I go, all I need is an internet connection. I use and it's best for me.
